Rat Race Definition 2: The Journey Of The Broke (JOB)
- Posted by COACH RYAN V
is the Rat Race? It is a journey, a journey that majority of people take. It is
a journey where the price you pay is freedom. In exchange for freedom you are
given a reward called salaries, bonuses, and the prestige of what they call a
Position. It is called a rat race because no matter how fast you run you never
finish at the top, if you ever finish at all. Why? It is because you do not own
the race track, you run somebody else’s.
Indeed it is a journey. But in this journey, if ever you decide to
take a break, then the rewards stop, takes your whole life down the drain.
Thus, it is called the Journey of the Broke or JOB. If this were so, why then
do the majority choose to be in it? The answer is simple – it is SECURE. FEAR and GREED are the two
greatest motivations of man. JOB satisfies both motivations at the same time.
GREED – because of the rewards your enslavers offer, you are able to buy what
you want (false image of freedom). FEAR – because you fear losing the rewards,
you push harder and run this “race” faster.
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