Some of the things that I believe to be true in order to accomplish my goals in life.

Some of the things that I believe to be true in order to accomplish my goals in life.
  • Posted by Steven Perron 
One of the most prevalent misconceptions about money is that it is not important. How many times have you heard people say that “money is not important to them”, or that “they don’t care about money”, or that “money isn’t everything”, To your mortgage holder it is important, to your grocery store owner it is important, The truth is that money is important to any person living in civilized society today therefore to argue that money is not important is absurd, for nothing can take the place of money in the area for which it is used.

What we all should understand is that money is a servant and not the master, you are the master, and we must first take control of our money in order to have it work for us, another thing that we should remember about money it that it must be used, if it is not being used to work for us then it is as worthless as old newspapers sitting in the closet, Money is used as a tool, or leverage to attain the wealth that we were born to have, “All of us were born to be Rich”. You must be the master of your money and not the other way around.

The reason rich people have money is because they have developed there conscious mind, if you want to attract money you must develop your mind, you must first believe that you are wealthy, picture yourself with the things you most want in life, what you are trying accomplish, all the material wealth the accomplishments of your goals will allow you to have. People that develop this have become some of the most successful individuals that ever lived.

I am not talking about your outward appearance, (This is important), but once your inner image is remade then the outward appearance will radiate self confidence, the inner image is what must be mastered, you must believe that you can accomplish anything, you must believe that you can overcome any optical, get your creative juices flowing and there is nothing you cant handle, your best asset is the most powerful computer in the universe and the most powerful leverage tool you have, “your brain”

It is a well known fact that fear has destroyed nations and individuals, but fear can be mastered using the leverage of conscious thought and reason. (Your most powerful tool) I am not trying to say throw caution into the wend and go headlong into the abbess, it is preplanning, due diligence, and financial education that will allow you to master your fear, take control of your future and accelerate out of the “RAT RACE”.

Just about everything you do in life has a cretin level or risk associated with it, Driving, Walking, Flying, but we still Drive, Walk, and fly just about every day of our lives the difference between risk that is unknown, and the risk that is known is that we can mediate the risk that is known making our chances of success much grater. We must understand the risk analyze it and create the best outcome. People always say that investing is to Ricky that we will not succeed, but what they don’t understand is that with the most powerful computer in the world you can accomplish anything.

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